Sunday 2 February 2014

Full Circle

Here we are again. Having our little moments in time.

Another poem I wrote, but I wrote this one an hour ago. It's tough being a Mum, but the rewards are priceless. Eventually!

Full Circle

Like a true master you make your moves!
Well thought engineered, advances. 
Spitting your way through each day.
Your whit like sharpened lances.

You words are spears, precisely thrown,
Each one a biting sting.
Meticulously over played
To enhance the pain they bring.

Your elfin smile masks your darker side
A side no one can fathom.
Deep in your duel personality
To you you’re a phantom.

Yet I hold you close and closer still
Allow the gaping wounds
I settle you in, each and every night
Knowing it will end soon.

Yet you make me smile with deepened pride
Your angst I tolerate.
To be reminded so much of me
But one day you will be great.

So when your teenage years have passed
When you look back and reflect.
Your mother was always there for you.
Then I will have your respect.

To see that tiny smile again
To forget the heart ache and woe
Will all be worth it in the end!
To see my child full grown.

By Helen Stallard 
February 2 2014


  1. Difficult for me to read right now but only because it is so very true.xx

    1. Good Morning Elizabeth and thank you for taking the time to comment. Especially at this difficult time. Please know you are not alone and i'm here if you need to talk x x x

  2. Very relatable x

    1. I have had a lot of private messages regarding this poem. I feel it brings out deep emotions in all who relate to it.
