Tuesday 4 February 2014

Special Love.

I had a procedure in hospital today and as always my darling husband was by my side. Supporting, caring and encouraging me. So I feel inspired to let him know how much I love him, how much I need him and how much I admire him.

Special Love

You are unique and we share one beating heart. 
And when you are absent we're never apart. 
When I close my eyes and dream of our past. 
I am warmed inside as our dreams will last. 

Beyond the odds our ties got us through. 
Because the song in that heart will always rings true. 
Through fight and hurt, through hell and fire. 
Our love is still strong, you're still my desire. 

You are my sweet love, my knight on white steed. 
Set stubborn and proud, you are my life seed. 
You're strong and loyal, but my tiny white dove. 
Who I hold in my soul, my one special love. 

By Helen Stallard
February 4 2014


  1. Touching words from the light of my life x

    1. And you are worth every effort my love x <3 x
