Saturday 29 March 2014

Young Blossom

Good Morning All, 
The following free verse poem is written for my daughter Tegyn. A beauty in the making. Too young for grown-up boys, yet too old for toys, she often feels stuck in limbo. As I always said to you at primary school Tegyn, "Make good choices." Life will throw many at you and some will be hard to make. All my love, Mum. x x x

Young Blossom

As I thrive, my crown cascades down. As the willow boughs to touch Mother Earth. 
As I stretch my audience visually consumes me. Mesmerised by my growth and enveloped at the sight of me. 
As I sway, undulating towards the sky, keen eyes must turn from me . 
For I am not of fruit - not yet ripe for the taking. 
I absorb the world around me, firmly routed next to my family. An orchard of such proportions, the fruit it bares will be immense. "A harvest fit for God's table." So whispers my mother.
My siblings rustle about me. The greenest of their shoots protecting me from harshness. 
As I blossom, bees tend me... A Princess who will soon be as fertile, as once was her Queen. Her fertility now gone, but her beauty shines through her wisened bark still. She is so wise through the realities of life.
For now - I am protected from the pollutants of the world. My giant brothers defending my honour. 
Soon though, I will be ripe and must choose. Choose well, with whom I bare my fruits. Where I plants my roots and how I grow my own orchard.

By Helen Stallard
March 29, 2014

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